By Luisa Baltazar, Founder & Chief Communicator | Linkedin | Facebook | Blog
Dialogy Consulting was founded after many years as a marketeer using and developing my focus on priorities, quality of outputs and results, and my intrinsic skills of communication. All of that is fueled by a passion for innovation and business development. If one would ask what shapes me, the values, and the mission of this company, I would reply that it is this drive to learn and to evolve that I still carry after 20+ years of career in the MKT, HR, Start-up, and IT worlds. In constant search for the paths that may take my curiosity from knowledge to wisdom, I truly feel and believe that I do have the power of communication and therefore I fully intend to use it. And use it I will, side by side with a team of “super skilled heroes” in all the challenging projects that may come our way and request our help to grow further.
Let’s talk.